Completing our ICD Product Family at City of Ottawa to Combat CSO

For 2017 the City of Ottawa officially approved our latest innovative product thereby completing all 13 categories of stormwater management products listed for use by the city. CANUS’ latest innovation is an all-new take on one of the oldest tools used to fight Combined Sewage Overflows (CSO). For decades the ICD plug has been a mainstay for many stormwater management programs but they have always suffered from design flaws that often lead to operational failures in the field. Custom fabricated to guess at the lead pipe size, the design invariably will be too large, causing splits or failed installations, or too small, causing them to fall out later. Our patent-pending design uses the host lead pipe to calibrate the device to the pipe every time without fail. The fluted design also forces the plug to walk back into the lead pipe when subjected to vibrations and temperature fluctuations. Other designs cause the plugs to pop out suddenly or eventually walk out over months of cross-seasonal operation. With this latest addition, we are proud to be the ONLY supplier of stormwater products that can provide ALL solutions and basically provide local services with one-stop shopping for stormwater projects. Already this has proven a successful strategy as we have secured the first two of two major Ottawa projects released so far in 2017.