CANUS is capable of supporting customers at virtually any point in the process between product conceptualization to high volume manufacturing. In fact many of our larger and longer-term customers in Ottawa-Gatineau started with us years ago by way of contracting us to prototype their own concepts.

We believe our process is best provided as an open process that allows customers to enter and leave the various phases according to how their needs and resources change over time. Adding to this flexibility is our ability to support different business models with regards to the ownership and management of designs, production, tooling and intellectual property. This results in a wide range of business relationships varying from CANUS simply moulding products on customer-owned moulds using material supplied by customers, to those where CANUS designs, manages and owns all aspects of the process except the physical end-products sold to our customers. And you will find us very flexible on modifying this approach to meet your changing needs. No other plastic manufacturer in Ontario and Quebec supports their customers with this range and depth of scope!